Linking MobyGames Metadata to Games

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In many cases, when adding games to your collection via the Rom Manager, Metropolis Launcher is able to provide the correct MobyGames meta data right from the start.


For this task, a database has been set up: the RomBase (rombase.db). In there, for every known Rom (also: Disk, ISO, etc.) the corresponding Moby Release, if available, is saved.


There are multiple ways to provide the necessary link between a Rom and a Moby Release entry which are described below.


Manually Linking your Games to MobyGames meta data in the Rom Manager


Note: This applies to your games only!


The Rom Manager provides a two-panel view. The left side shows a list of your games, the right side contains a list of Moby Releases of the selected platform.


Any game that is linked to a Moby Release contains a value in the column Moby Release.




In order to link one or more of your games to a Moby Release:


select the games (left mouse click, use SHIFT or CTRL for multi-selection) on the left list
select the Moby Release (left mouse click) on the right list
perform a doubleclick on the Moby Release
alternative 1: you can also perform a doubleclick on a game, this would deselect a multiselection though
alternative 2: open the context menu (right click) of the games list and use the Set link to %Moby Release Name% on %N% games menu item
Confirm the following dialog (use the Apply for all checkbox to prevent further dialogs of the same kind):





Save by pressing the Save button


Manually Linking RomBase entries to MobyGames meta data in the RomBase Manager


Note: Every action in the RomBase Manager applies to the RomBase, a general database. If you want to see the changes to the RomBase in effect, you should open the Rom Manager and perform a rescan on the files or add new files.


The manual linking within the RomBase Manager is analog to the manual linking within the Rom Manager, see above how it's done.


Detecting Links to MobyGames meta data for your Games in the Rom Manager


Note: This applies to your games only!


If you have one or more games in your list that are not linked to MobyGames meta data, you could try the Detect MobyGames Links feature. It works by automatically comparing the filenames of the games with the names of the MobyGames releases and providing a similarity score of 0 up to 100. Before that, the names will be pre-filtered in order to achieve better scores.


Guide for using the Detect MobyGames Links process:


open the games context menu (right click) and choose the Detect MobyGames Links... menu item
the Detect MobyGames Links Filter Options dialog pops up, the default settings should be fine with most game collections, press the OK button
The game names and MobyGames release names will be filtered, the text matching is being computed
The Detect MobyGames Links Preview pops up
This preview shows the result of the text matching. For each game the best match with similarity score > 80 has been linked. If the best match has a similarity score of 100, the checkbox in the Apply column will be checked.
You should now check every result and decide, if the link should finally be applied or not by un/checking the checkbox in the Apply column.
You can change a link by doubleclicking a Moby Release
You can sort by the Match Accuracy column
Press the OK button to apply the new links


Back in the Rom Manager, save by pressing the Save button


Detecting Links to MobyGames meta data for RomBase entries in the RomBase Manager


Note: Every action in the RomBase Manager applies to the RomBase, a general database. If you want to see the changes to the RomBase in effect, you should open the Rom Manager and perform a rescan on the files or add new files.


The detection of MobyGames links within the RomBase Manager is analog to the detection of MobyGames links within the Rom Manager, see above how it's done.