ScummVM Templates

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How to reach it


Go to Settings and click the ScummVM Templates button
In Games & Emulation Main Screen open the main list's context menu and choose the Open ScummVM Templates menu item


How it works


Metropolis Launcher lets you define one or more ScummVM configuration templates. Any game-specific configuration will be based on one of those templates. Metropolis Launcher currently ships with the Default ScummVM configuration template.


The ScummVM Templates dialog consists of the following areas:


hmtoggle_plus1[A] ScummVM Templates Selection


All currently defined ScummVM Templates are listed here.


You can either use the buttons or the context menu (right click) to:


Add a new template
Duplicate the current template into a new template
Delete the current template (the template/s shipped by Metropolis Launcher cannot be deleted - you can rename them or modify their values though)


hmtoggle_plus1[B] Template Name


Set or modify the template's name here.


hmtoggle_plus1[C] Categories list


The ScummVM configuration is organized in categories. Click any of the categories to view its contents in the right panel [D].


hmtoggle_plus1[D] Configuration items


The panel on the right shows all configuration items for the current category, see [C].


You can alter their values by using the editors.


If the template is based on a shipped template and you alter a configuration item's value, the label will be displayed in bold. You can always check the original value (of the shipped template), by hovering your mouse over the value's editor:




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