Edit Pre/Post Launch Command

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How to reach it


In Emulator Settings go to the Pre- and Post-Launch Commands tab and open the context menu of either list.


Choose the Add a Pre-/Post-Launch Command menu item to add a new command
Choose the Edit this Pre-/Post-Launch Command menu item to edit the selected command


How it works


In this dialog you can define the Directory and Executable of a Pre-/Post-Launch command. Use the Button_DotDotDot2 button to browse for an executable.


If the command needs startup parameters, you can define them in the Startup Parameter field. The command may make use of the same startup parameter variables as the emulator.


Tick Wait for Exit if you want Metropolis Launcher to wait until the command finished.


Tick Run Minimized if you want Metropolis Launcher to run the command minimized (no guarantee though - not every application reacts to this).