Other Attributes

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Other Attributes are, as the name implies, other attributes of the game.


set with elements

Possible Values:

{"Add-On", "Coin-Op Conversion", "Compilation / Shovelware" etc.}

Similarity Calculation:

|Fi(A) ∩ Fi(B)| is the number of distinct other attributes shared by both games A and B

|Fi(A) U Fi(B)| is the number of distinct other attributes of games A and B

                   |Fi(A) ∩ Fi(B)|

Simi(A, B) = --------------------- * 100

                    |Fi(A) U Fi(B)|


example:         game A = "The Addams Family (SEGA Genesis)", Fi(A) = ("Licensed Title")

                      game B = "WWF WresteMania: The Arcade Game (SEGA Genesis)", Fi(B) = ("Coin-Op Conversion", "Licensed Title")

              |Fi(A) ∩ Fi(B)| = |("Licensed Title")| = 1

              |Fi(A) U Fi(B)| = |("Coin-Op Conversion", "Licensed Title")| = 2

                   Simi(A, B) = (1 / 2) * 100 = 50